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  • Writer's pictureJulia Brahy

Coronavirus in Paris: Latest Updates

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

As a half French and half American student, I always assume that everyone I come in contact with knows exactly how the coronavirus is progressing worldwide. I soon realized that there was much misinformation being spread regarding the Covid-19 disease: multiple sources have stated that France is the seventh most affected country in the world, with 300 new cases of the virus appearing every 72 hours (according to Le Monde). I believe that establishing an insightful source of information regarding Coronavirus is key in ensuring that the situation does not escalate into mass panic.

Originally, this post was going to be about how the Coronavirus has shown us new sustainable alternatives to our otherwise untenable routines. For instance, many have opted for more vegetarian eating choices, seeing as the Covid-19 disease had originated from an infected animal that had been consumed and that meat in general is of single-usage in nature- whereas pasta, rice and other vegetables come in large batches and can last weeks at a time.

In addition, because of the lockdowns that have taken place in major cities strongly affected by the disease - such as Wuhan or Rome - there have been less carbon emissions as significantly less people have utilized their cars to travel around the city. People are only allowed to travel in cases of emergency medical appointments or necessary grocery shopping. The outbreak has also shed light on other work alternatives indicative of social wellness: with so many individuals having been forced to work from home - since they have been confined to their residences - we have now come to see firsthand how work obligations can easily be performed at home, making a better case for sick leave, something which is not properly installed in some major countries- such as the United States.

These appear to be the only silver linings in this anxiety-enducing pandemic that has claimed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Now that we have established some of the more positive consequences of the spread of this disease, we must dive into the nitty-gritty- this post will provide information on France's current situation in regards to the virus.

It is important to mention how I am writing this post as more information becomes available to me throughout the day: I began writing this on the 16th of March at 2PM. I must mention this because tonight our President Emmanuel Macron will be delivering another speech providing the general public with more information concerning the measures the government will adopt to contain the Covid-19 disease. By the time you will have finished reading this post, we will know what new policies have been adopted. It is clear to me that we are on the path to total lockdown, but it is only 5PM right now, so neither one of us knows yet. History is happening and we are just living in it.

I will be providing you with a brief timeline of the Coronavirus' progression within French territory, as well as a small commentary on my part, so as to give you an idea as to how much this disease has really impacted the consciousnesses of the French population as it progresses.

14th of February 2020: a chinese tourist dies of the Coronavirus in Paris. This is the French population's wake-up call, it's the moment we realized that the virus was no longer just come distant thing that would never affect us. It was here. With us.

I vividly remember what I was doing during this time: I had returned to France for a reading week, between the 8th and 17th of February; while I would normally have been at Warwick. During the entirety of that week I had explored the streets of this city I adore so much as much as I possibly could, seeing as I did not often have the opportunity. Everything from the Museum of Asian Art to Serge Gainsbourg's house - and countless Parisian cafés. I completed all of these activities without a care in the world- and now, a bit more than a month later, these simple and regular outings are now unthinkable. It really puts everything into perspective, it makes me infinitely more grateful that I had the opportunity to do all of these things in the first place.

27th-29th of February 2020: A collection of small events take place during this time. The 27th, President Macron visits "l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière", a hospital with many reported cases of the virus. The Prime Minister Edouard Philippe receives all French political parties to come to a consensus as to what measures to adopt as the situation begins to escalate. The 28th of February, the contamination rate goes from 18 people to 41. The 29th, all gatherings containing more than 5 000 people have been canceled.

The situation becomes more drastic. Slowly but surely. And what was I doing during this time? I was spending a weekend with my mother in London. Once again I completed all these activities - ranging from a visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum to a performance of The Book of Mormon, both of which contained hundreds of people - without a care in the world. The Covid-19 disease had barely crossed my mind. I was simply focused on the English breakfasts I was having each morning. Meanwhile, schools were beginning to shut down in the South, and I had no idea.

4th to 9th of March 2020: It becomes apparent to both the population and the government that the Coronavirus is now a massive health issue. On the 4th, there have been 257 cases of the virus reported within French territory. The 5th, this number jumps to 423, and the death toll reaches 6 individuals: the government prepares itself for Stage Three of the outbreak procedures. The 6th of March, there are 577 confirmed cases with 9 deaths, and the "Haut-Rhin" region becomes the most drastically affected in France.

The 8th marks the day of new gathering reforms: we have now gone from gatherings of 5 000 being forbidden to gathering of 1 000 being forbidden. There are now 1 126 cases, with 19 deaths being reported. The 9th is the first time we see a school being closed within Parisian arrondissements.

During this period of time, the only thing I was worrying about was an essay I had to submit for my Political Research module. Again, I could not comprehend the magnitude of this virus and how it was affecting my people back home. It was so little discussed within my university that I felt as though the Coronavirus existed in an entirely seperate world.

11th to 14th of March 2020: This is the very first time I begin to truly take notice of the spread of this virus. The 11th, three Disneyland employees fall ill to the virus. The 12th, local town halls adopt their own sanitary measures to protect their municipal areas. The 13th of March is when both my family and friends become personally affected: all schools on all levels are cancelling their classes (my brother, a sophomore, is currently rejoicing).

However, my friends doing crammer years are forced into online classes, where they mostly complain about wifi connections. Gatherings composed of more than 100 individuals are forbidden. The 14th is what shook Paris to its core: all public services have to close down. Cinemas, restaurants, cafés, museums, concerts and other events have all had to shut down through government orders. Grocery stores are allowed open as they provide basic necessities.

As I was going to fitness classes everyday, attending my lectures and drinking in true British fashion, the beginning of Spring Break was approaching the 14th. This was the day I wa scheduled to go home. A friend of mine began incessantly researching travelling policies, and it becomes clear how all our plans will be warped by the presence of the Covid-19. I become accustomed to the idea that I won't be able to go out very much. Little did I know I wouldn't be able to leave my own house for weeks at a time.

We have now reached our latest update. It is currently 9PM, and I have just finished watching President Macron's latest statements regarding the Coronavirus- and the new, stricter measures that will be implemented to contain the disease. The following are the new procedures President Macron has sought to establish, on the 16th of March 2020:

- Total confinement within our homes for 15 days - this means we are forbidden from leaving our residences, with the exceptions of medical emergencies, appointments or necessary grocery shopping. This was already advised by the government, however police officers will patrol the streets and will sanction anyone outside in the perimeters if they do not meet the exceptions above

- All circulation between France and nations belonging to the Schengen agreement will not be permitted by those who are not citizens of the European Union. French borders are officially closing. French individuals abroad are the only ones allowed back onto French territory

- Pharmacies and hospitals will be providing masks to the sick around the clock

- There will be financial assistance provided by the government to companies risking bankruptcy due to the virus' significantly negative impact on their businesses

- Taxis and hotels may be used by the government to house those infected by the Coronavirus if there isn't enough space in hospitals and other sanitary sanctuaries

- The second round of the municipal elections will be postponed

- New policies regarding the controversial Retirement Reforms will be introduced in Parliament

- If someone wishes to leave their house under the frame of any one of the conditions above, they must print a permission slip given to them by the government to do so. This way, they will not be sanctioned by the French police if they are ever stopped by officers

- Solitary exercise (such as jogging) is permitted, but only for short amounts of time. Group outings, even between family members, are forbidden

These are the updated reforms. We are trying to keep calm, we are trying not to panic. We are quite frankly bored out of our minds as we are secluded in our homes. There is more to come I'm sure. I'll keep you updated.

Just remember.

Wash your hands.

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